OB3 Members Dues Payment


For 2025, membership annual dues is $772.00. Membership dues are due April 1, 2025.

There are two ways to pay your 2025 OB3 MEMBERSHIP DUES; either by check or credit card. Each method requires that you use your Invoice Number located on the top of your OB3 invoice. Your Invoice Number is REQUIRED to complete the payment process.

If you pay by credit card, an additional service fee of $18.00 is required.

CHECKS: Make checks payable to Ocean Beach and Bay Club, and mail them to:
3305 Heron Lane
Lavallette, New Jersey 08735.
*** Please include the Invoice Number in your check.

CREDIT CARDS: Have your Invoice Number at your disposal. Click on the link below and wait for it to take you to a payment page. Please pay the total amount due plus the $18.00 service fee, which is $790.00. Follow the instructions for using your credit card. When you are completed, press SUBMIT. After the payment is accepted you will be returned to the home page of the OB3 website.
Link to Pay Dues by Credit Card

Your dues are due by April 1, 2025, and your membership will be suspended if not paid by May 1, 2025. In addition, late fee of $50.00 will be added after April 1, 2025. Please note that members who remain outstanding in their payments to the Association will not be able to receive badges or vote.

Please direct any questions to info@oceanbeach3.org.